Search Results for: Sebastian Stan

Disobedience Review: A Mesmerizing Tale of Religion and Forbidden Love

Sebastian Lelio’s sensitive, multifaceted adaptation of Naomi Alderman’s novel is a beautiful exploration of the restrictive nature of traditional communities, anchored by a trio of heart-stopping performances. This piece was originally posted on Alcohollywood Chilean director Sebastián Lelio is a master of arthouse empathy – his Oscar-winning film A Fantastic Woman, about the struggles of a Disobedience Review: A Mesmerizing Tale of Religion and Forbidden Love

REVIEW: A Fantastic Woman

A pioneering work of trans-centric filmmaking, Sebastián Lelio’s airy, dreamlike direction anchors a fearless central performance from Daniela Vega. This piece was originally posted on Alcohollywood With trans issues being at the forefront of the cultural moment, it’s no surprise that cries for representation in film extend to trans and non-binary actresses as well. Sure, REVIEW: A Fantastic Woman