The Spool / Podcasts
Amie Doherty on the genre-bending balance of her score for She-Hulk
The composer on fitting the MCU house sound into a more non-superhero context.
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Welcome to Right on Cue, the podcast where we interview film, TV, and video game composers about the origins and nuances of their latest works.

This far into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s an undeniable challenge to find new musical avenues to tread, as some of our previous episodes talking to Marvel composers can attest. But just as the Disney+ Marvel series are dabbling in new genres, so too is She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, which is less a superhero action show than an Ally McBeal-styled legal dramedy about Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) and her attempts to balance her high-paying legal career with life as a single woman. (And, of course, the fact she can turn into an invincible green giantess at will.) As such, She-Hulk demands a milder, more contemplative musical palate than you might expect from the smash and crash of a lot of Marvel works.

Amie Doherty (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law)
Mike Knobloch

That’s where Irish composer and orchestrator Amie Doherty comes in, underscoring the series with a sprightly, nimble score matching the quick-witted chicanery of Jen’s antics with the bold, brassy fanfare of a superhero series. Not only that, there’s a fleet-footedness to her work in the show’s more lower-stakes episodes, whether it’s the lightness of a “self-contained wedding episode” or the hard-rock shredding that accompanies the sleazier magic acts in the Marvel Universe.

This week, she joins me on the show to talk about her beginnings as a Sundance Composer Fellow, working within the Marvel ecosystem (and the freedom big budgets afford composers like her), and taking diverse musical swings at the many different cases and chases we see every week.

You can find Amie Doherty at her official website here.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is currently streaming on Disney+, and you can listen to the score on your preferred music streaming service courtesy of Marvel Music.