3 Best Releases Studio Sandbox Films on Hulu
Fire of Love
v Katia Conrad and Maurice Krafft grew up in Alsace, France and fell in love at nearly the exact same time, twice over. First, they fell in love with volcanoes, and then they fell in love with each other. Sara Dosa’s new documentary about the power couple volcanologists, Fire of Love uses Dosa’s exquisite prose, the Kraffts' own footage, and Miranda July’s narration to bring their love to life on screen. Continue Reading →
All Light, Everywhere
Annette Leos Carax and art-rock sibling duo Ron and Russell Mael (of Sparks) join forces for this sometimes lovely sometimes harrowing sometimes both musical. Marion Cotillard and Adam Driver are a creative couple (an opera singer and a scathing comedian) who love each other so much. Carax and Sparks trace what happens when that love curdles—when a person's idea of themselves eats their real self and anyone they care about. And those who don't get eaten? They're still left with scars, none more than the primarily-a-puppet title character. Carax's screen craft is daring, whether biting, sweeping, or gleefully absurd. Cotillard and Driver's dives into how love turns sour and wrath makes beasts of people are splendid both individually and as a duet. And the tunes rule, from Driver and Cotillard’s swooning to Simon Helberg laying out his duties as an accompanist. The earworms. They abound. [Justin Harrison] Continue Reading →