Brain Freeze
In an environment where film festivals are struggling to figure out how much access to give both attendees and press, The Montreal-based Fantasia International Film Festival has always been a godsend of genre offerings, especially for American press who want to cover virtually. Here we are with the 25th edition of the fest, and the first few days' worth of films have been well worth it. We'll be covering all month long, so keep an eye out for these dispatches as we go. This year's fest opened with writer/director Julien Knafo's absurdist zombie comedy Brain Freeze, in which an affluent island community off the coast of Quebec suddenly falls prey to an infestation of zombies -- created by the mutant fertilizer from a Monsanto-like agro conglomerate meant to keep the rich golfing all year long. These zombies don't necessarily lust for brains; they just want to bite and murder and spread their numbers. The only folks who don't fall prey, of course, are a slothful teenage boy named André (Iani Bédard), who drinks nothing but Diet Coke, and his baby sister Annie. They run into a paranoiac survivalist security guard named Dan (Roy Dupuis), who hauls around his zombified daughter (Marianne Fortier) in search of a cure. Zombie movies are never short on social commentary, and Knafo certainly has plenty of targets here, from the uncaring companies who do anything to hide accountability to the idleness of the rich and the obliviousness of smartphone-addicted kids. But that obviousness sometimes get in the way of more sophisticated laughs or thrills, Knafo's approach sometimes proving too dry for the Shaun of the Dead-level gags the film's clearly going for. Some jokes work great -- I'll never not laugh anytime someone has to use a severed hand to unlock a phone -- but it's in service to some pretty creaky, unoriginal commentary. (One subplot involving a far-right radio host goes particularly nowhere apart from serving as an unnecessary Greek chorus. And don't get me started on the mute, sexy twin lady corporate assassins.) Continue Reading →