1157 Best Film & TV Releases Translated Into Hungarian (Page 56)

The Spool Staff

Star Trek: Picard

Patrick Stewart returns to his iconic role in a new Star Trek series in desperate need of a shakedown cruise. It’s pleasing enough to see Patrick Stewart once again gazing at the stars. He calls his dog “Number One”, and orders earl grey tea, and shares a moment with some familiar faces. This older Picard is a bit more subdued than the confident captain who once strolled the decks of the Enterprise. But every once in awhile, the captain awakens once more, and Stewart delivers a line or look or an expression that briefly rekindles the fire that fueled The Next Generation. It’s pleasing enough to see Star Trek finally advancing the timeline beyond Nemesis. This first real measure of in-universe progress since then deals with the Romulan detente hinted at in the 2002 release and the destruction of Romulus depicted in the 2009 reboot. The series contends with the more expansive use of artificial life hinted at in Data’s adventures and the aftermath of so many Borg encounters. It’s even pleasing enough to see another series advancing Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future, upholding his spirit by channeling current issues and events. The Federation we see in Star Trek: Picard< is not the same institution whose principles the show’s title character once so vigilantly upheld, but rather, one struggling with its place in a changing universe.  Continue Reading →

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