Debuting in early 2023, the acclaimed UnPrisoned series returns after a year with a brand new season. The show is a comedy dealing with admittedly heavy matters like recurring childhood wounds and the difficulty of healing from your parents, as well as the issue of reentry to society post-prison. Season 2 looks to add to the conversation about breaking this generational cycle, while at the same time having characters just feel their feelings.
Where to Watch UnPrisoned Season 2
UnPrisoned Season 2 streams on Hulu beginning July 17 at 12AM ET.
UnPrisoned on Hulu
Hulu offers a mix of current and old titles, including original series throughout its history. If you’re not yet familiar with the service, here’s a link and refresher:
Hulu may be on the cheaper side at just $7.99/month, but the on-demand streaming service boasts an ever-growing catalog of original series like The Handmaid’s Tale, primetime hits like Modern Family, and BBC imports like Killing Eve. It’s also where you’ll find FX’s critically acclaimed titles like Atlanta, Fargo, and Reservation Dogs. Hulu runs on ads, but if you can’t stand commercials, you can go ad-free for $17.99/month.
What to expect from Season 2?
Apart from a more polished feel to the series, story-wise the show dives further into the psychology of the hurting with professional help outside of the family, in the form of a family healing coach. Whereas the first season assures you that it’s not about what you owe someone else, this season advices its characters to stop living so much in the mind, and to start feeling things from the heart and the gut.
Hulu may be on the cheaper side at just $7.99/month, but the on-demand streaming service boasts an ever-growing catalog of original series like The Handmaid’s Tale, primetime hits like Modern Family, and BBC imports like Killing Eve. It’s also where you’ll find FX’s critically acclaimed titles like Atlanta, Fargo, and Reservation Dogs. Hulu runs on ads, but if you can’t stand commercials, you can go ad-free for $17.99/month.