1 Best Releases Starring Jeremy Marr Williams

The Spool Staff

The Sky is Blue with Lies: Tribeca Phaedra


The New York-based Tribeca festival roars back to post-lockdown life with its usual solid lineup of future award winners and indie gems. While the pandemic didn’t put a complete halt to the film festival circuit, of necessity festival programmers were forced to do complete overhauls, creating user-friendly streaming platforms in just a few months. This year’s Tribeca Festival, after having to cancel entirely in 2020, is the first festival to open back up for in-person screenings, offering a hybrid selection of both theater runs and streaming access. While it was not without its bumps, 2021’s offerings are especially strong, particularly in documentaries and horror. The movies may not quite be back, baby, but they’re getting there. Though you should definitely check out our coverage of some of the bigger buzz titles, here’s a brief overview of some of the hidden gems at Tribeca: Continue Reading →