1 Best Releases From Second Nature Studio

The Spool Staff

The Oxy Kingpins

StudioHyperobject Industries,

A look back at a '90s star, the opioid crisis, and the weird world of domino art mark SXSW's docs in competition. (This dispatch is part of our coverage of the 2021 SXSW Film Festival.) The subjects of the eight films included in the 2021 SXSW Documentary Competition slate vary greatly in intensity and relevancy. The three major films in the festival are documentaries as well, highlighting musicians Demi Lovato, Tom Petty, and Charli XCX. With several first-time filmmakers, the slate has potential with stirring topics, but can easily flame out, due to a lack of experience, immediacy, and understood closeness to the current status of a world that has recently felt like its ripping at the seams.  Continue Reading →