1 Best TV Shows Similar to Brian Pern: A Life in Rock
Mr. Throwback
As a fan of the gone too show—and mistreated while it was here—Happy Endings, the primary cast has so much goodwill built up it’s difficult not to be reflexively excited when one of the actors gets another chance. That’s why I could not resist reviewing Mr. Throwback, a mockumentary about Danny (Adam Pally), a low-grade memorabilia pusher who has never outgrown the central trauma of his childhood. It also stars perennial All-Star basketball star Stephen Curry. A tired format with an athlete in a prominent role doesn’t exactly make one’s heart racing. But the Pally factor could not be ignored. Thank goodness for that. Mr. Throwback isn’t anyone’s idea of a superstar sitcom, but it proves a sneaky addition to Peacock’s lineup. Danny and Stephen (Curry plays himself) grew up together, along with the third member of their trinity, Kimberly (Ego Nwodim). Somehow, Danny, not Steph, dominated all comers on the courts of their middle school years. That is until the authorities figure out Danny’s father and coach Mitch (a very welcome Tracy Letts) lied about Danny’s age. Turns out he’s 14 and a half, not 12, hence why he towers over his teammates. Continue Reading →