Madame X – Eine absolute Herrscherin
SimilarBlood and Chocolate (2007), The Secret Garden (1993),
Madonna stands at the center of a black box stage dressed as George Washington. Complete with a tricorn hat and swimming waistcoat, she has fashioned herself as a revolutionary leader. Her latest concert film, Madame X, is supposed to be a manifesto, a call for artists to wave high the banner of agitation. Continue Reading →
The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
Avi Mograbi's documentary is a long, strident presentation on the military occupation of Gaza that does a disservice to the oppression he's highlighting.
(This review is part of our coverage of the 2021 New York Film Festival.)
A few years ago, during my time at Brandeis University – this country’s premier Jewish institution of higher education – the school’s J-Street club hosted a particularly tense event. The organization had invited a former Israeli soldier to speak about her time stationed in the West Bank and the injustices she had witnessed. Continue Reading →